Friday, April 18, 2008

AOW Underwater Navigation Test

I passed the last of the Advance Open Water test. I now have my temporary card.

Pretty cool to be able do take a test underwater. I went to IWA Diving Center. It was perfect for the underwater navigation test as there was only about 3-5 meters in visibility.

There were not a lot of fish due to the heavy current another reason it was optimal to take the navigation test. I did get to see a black sea slug about the size of a basketball, "Man are they uuuuggly". Nothing else spectacular well there were lots and lots of red plankton. A bit disgusting but a nice couple of dives none the less.

It took a couple of hours to finish my testing and then I went bamboo picking. Yes it was a first for me also. This is why I love Japan. You can go diving then head up to the mountains and see wild monkeys, pick some bamboo, go have lunch at an old style Japanese restaurant (the owner wares a kimono everyday and she serves the food) and do all this in half a day.

I am great full to my instructor once again. As I have said before she is part hammerhead.